reach a goal

美 [riːtʃ ə ɡoʊl]英 [riːtʃ ə ɡəʊl]
  • 达到目标
reach a goalreach a goal
  1. Reach a goal , e.g. , make the first team .


  2. Written plans are the essential instructions for how to reach a goal .


  3. In order to reach a goal , people struggle and scramble each other .


  4. This power goes hand-in-hand with resolute determination to reach a goal .


  5. Slogan stands for the passion of commitment to reach a goal .


  6. As we all know , determination and momentum to reach a goal spark further innovations , both high-tech and low-tech.


  7. As a psychologist who studies motivation , I spend a lot of time trying to figure out why people give up too soon when trying to reach a goal .


  8. The teaching service administration as a research topic is meaningful because it occupies the central position in the management of school , ultimately related to school education which is able to reach a goal .


  9. Next ask what private voice you 've been listening to & the one that keeps defeating you every time you try to reach a goal . What 's the excuse it tells you ?


  10. In conclusion , the thesis studies the C-E conference interpretation and plain English strategies and sets up a system of PE conference interpretation strategies to reach a goal of providing reference and instruction to the interpretation practice , field study , and interpreting software research .


  11. African National Congress President Jacob Zuma , confident his party will do very well in the election , wrapped up a recent rally with Siyaya , an old struggle song that expresses determination to reach a goal regardless of how long it takes .


  12. You will never reach a vague goal .


  13. Myth : You 're happier after you reach a big goal .


  14. Usually in order to reach a certain goal , some use unscrupulous means in doing so .


  15. that of how to choose the right move to reach a given goal - in the case of chess , to achieve checkmate .


  16. This saying was later used to imply that humans , relying on their own wisdom , could choose different paths to reach a common goal .


  17. In conversational exchange people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation .


  18. Along with the development of mobile communication , high data-rate transmission becomes the target that several standard organizations pursuit . And improving efficiency and expanding the spectrum can helps to reach such a goal .


  19. Modern races in many countries focus less on myths and legends and more on what is referred to as the " spirit of the dragon ," the experience of working as a team to reach a common goal .


  20. To reach such a goal and satisfy the needs of the advertisements viewers , we should stick to the equality principle , respect the realities and make advertisements close to common people 's life so that the advertisements can become more lively , more interesting and more attractive .


  21. Do you want to reach a dream or goal ?


  22. Informatization is that how to improve the level of equipment check system to make it reach the international standard , and also reach a modern enterprise goal .
